Our highly skilled fitters will deliver workmanship of the very highest standard each and every time for all types of Domestic fencing, ensuring customer satisfaction every time.

Concrete Post and Rail
Most common use of fencing by the domestic market, effective and reasonably priced to install. The client can select panels from a wide choice to suit.Concrete posts and base panels offer instant screening at affordable prices. This method of fencing offers the flexibility of different panels ranging from the heavy duty waneylap (*as pictured) to vertical boards or the more elaborate chevron or ribbed slats with or without trellis tops.

Featherboard Fencing
Featheredge fencing is increasingly popular due to its versatility, strength and appearance. Featheredge is built by individually nailing tapered boards so that they overlap each other onto horizontal rails that span across several vertical posts. Each post, rail and pail has been pressure treated with timber preservative guaranteeing its life for a minimum of 10 years. Due to the various lengths of the rails it is possible to cope with variation in height e.g. slopes or obstructions within the ground such as old fence posts, manhole covers or roots

Cleft Fencing
This is the orginal method of fencing using oak or sweet chestnut split down the grain the overall effect is very attractive and blends well into the natural environment.